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Window Display

Display Description


The topic of this display is star-crossed lovers, inspired by Shakespeare. The focal point of our display is the giant half sun and moon in the background. We achieved optical balance by using two mannequins propped up symmetrically, with a table and vase full of roses in between. The display is very symmetrical, and we utilized the bar extending down the front of the window to break up our day and night sky. We created fluffy clouds above, and tied those into the white and black lettering below. We also hung fresh roses from the ceiling to add more dimension. The floor is sprinkled with both real and fake flowers, and the “Juliet-inspired” mannequin on the left is holding a single dead rose. There are multiple textures used throughout the display: fluffy clouds, paper and velour fabric for the sun, shiny fabric for the moon, silky fabric draped along the floor, and thorny roses scattered about.


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